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Week 10: Starting Our First Partner Coding Project - Backend Buildout and React Web Framework

Alexander Clemens • April 24, 2023


Welcome to Week 10 of the Hack Reactor documentation. When I look back on how much I have been working, studying, and learning in Software Engineering since November 2022, it truly excites me at the possibilities this field can create for the flexibility of working from anywhere at any time and genuinely contributing massive value. More so, I had this idea of how creating code can be similar to art.

The same creative energy and imagination that produces art are also found in programming. Those who code, like artists, strive to make something beautiful, functional, and meaningful. Programming is often likened to being a masterful creator - much like an artist. It calls for an eye for innovation and originality, a capacity for precision, and the skill to turn indefinite thoughts into tangible objects. As a painter trades in brushes and canvas, a programmer calls on languages, frameworks, and tools to bring their ideas to life. Both must be experienced in their craft and have a profound comprehension of the medium they are working with, able to wield it like a prized author. Programmers must maintain their knowledge and stay current with the latest strategies and technologies. They need to feel comfortable with trial and error to create something innovative and one-of-a-kind. The same inventive brilliance that gives form to art breathes life into programming. Coders, similar to artists, work to make something special, effective, and meaningful.

Now this excitement in the field also has the perspective that this field will drastically look different in how we think about what are programming and coding as; the rapid advancement of AI tools for coding will transform a coder into needing to know the right and practical question or prompts, in addition, understand the direction to take when utilizing the highly accurate and effective AI assist coding tools that are becoming more and more effective at producing code for projects and tasks. I am in agreeance with numerous others in that AI will disrupt society as we know it for many people who are white-collar workers and; that one needs to learn how to utilize this technology to create value for others and themselves and also understand that history repeats itself, and this is another technological advancements in human history that will propel humans to another level of prosperity and capabilities. 

This week's learning covered React framework in more depth than the first two days of this shorter week (we had Friday off as the program follows every second Friday there is no class). On Wednesday and Thursday, we had partner projects where we had to connect RESTful APIs to our microservices in the backend and then integrate our forms from our models in the front end using React. I'm very grateful to have a partner that is easy to work with, and we have a similar understanding of connecting everything in the project. I learned a lot working with her and utilizing git and working off several different working branches, and then committing to a main branch to save our work together. To continue for this week, here are this week's learnings: 

React Javascript Destructuring

Array destructuring is a feature in JavaScript that allows you to extract elements from an array and assign them to variables in a single statement. It can save you from writing multiple lines of code to extract array elements and assign them to variables. You can destructure an array using square brackets on the left-hand side of an assignment expression.

Docker container deletes images

docker build command . -t “name of image”

docker run -it -v “$(pwd):/app” -p 3000:3000 “name of the image” bash

npx create-react-app blueberry

What is NPX?

NPX is a package runner tool that comes with NPM 5.2+ and higher. It allows you to execute a package you haven't installed globally easily. It can be used to run command-line tools, and scripts, or even install packages without the need to install them globally, making it a useful tool for development workflows.

What is state in React?

State in React is an object that represents the current state of a component. It can be updated by calling a function provided by React called setState() . When state is updated, React will re-render the component to reflect the new state.

What is the difference between input and textarea in JSX HTML?

In JSX HTML, the <input> element is used for single-line input fields, while the <textarea> element is used for multi-line input fields.

The on change handler for example textChanged inside the function that is going to handle the change event

Import React useState function from React and create a piece of State

Key takeaways for Use State -

  1. using array restructuring, we create a variable to hold the initial state
  2. we also create a variable to hold the function that we call to update the state
  3. we pass the initial state as an argument to useState

Docker first then run the container and create react in a directory then cd into that directory and start the server

Why in React we don’t use “for”

React wants us to use htmlFor instead of for in JSX because for is a reserved keyword in JavaScript, and using it in JSX would cause an error. Instead, we use htmlFor to specify the for attribute on an HTML label element. This is important because using a label associated with an input element improves accessibility for users who rely on assistive technology.

Front End SPAs

Single Page Applications (SPAs) are a type of web application that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates the page as the user interacts with the application. This is in contrast to traditional multi-page applications, which load a new HTML page for each interaction. React is particularly well-suited to developing SPAs due to its ability to efficiently manage state and handle dynamic updates to the UI.

React Router

React Router is a popular library for routing in React applications. It allows you to define routes in your application and map them to specific components. This enables you to create a more complex UI with multiple views, without having to reload the page. With React Router, you can easily navigate between different views, pass data between them, and handle dynamic route parameters.

What is Docker

How Docker Compose Works

How to interact with the collection URLs in a RESTFul API?

To interact with the collection URLs in a RESTful API, you can use the HTTP methods GET , POST , PUT , and DELETE . GET is used to retrieve a resource, POST is used to create a new resource, PUT is used to update an existing resource, and DELETE is used to delete a resource. The URL for a collection typically ends with a slash, and the URL for a single resource within the collection typically includes an ID or other unique identifier.

What is a collection APIs?

A collection API is an API that provides access to a collection of resources, such as a list of books or a set of user profiles. Collection APIs typically allow users to interact with the resources in the collection using HTTP methods such as GET , POST , PUT , and DELETE . The URL for a collection typically ends with a slash, and the URL for a single resource within the collection typically includes an ID or other unique identifier.

What are Single Object APIs?

Single Object APIs are APIs that provide access to a single resource, such as a single book or a user profile. Single Object APIs typically allow users to interact with the resource using HTTP methods such as GET , POST , PUT , and DELETE . The URL for a single resource typically includes an ID or other unique identifier.

React Components - how React uses components to turn them into HTML

In React, I use components to turn them into HTML. A React component is a reusable piece of code that can be used to build a user interface. Each component can have its own state and props, which are used to store data and pass data between components. When I render a component, React creates a virtual DOM, which is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. The virtual DOM is used to determine which parts of the actual DOM need to be updated when the component's state or props change. This allows me to update the UI efficiently and without unnecessary re-renders. Once the virtual DOM has been updated, React uses it to create the real HTML DOM for my web application.

How React takes your components, turns them into something called the virtual DOM, then uses that to create the real HTML DOM for your Web application

When I create components in React, they are turned into something called the virtual DOM, which is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. The virtual DOM is used to determine which parts of the actual DOM need to be updated when the component's state or props change. This allows me to update the UI efficiently and without unnecessary re-renders. Once the virtual DOM has been updated, React uses it to create the real HTML DOM for my web application.

How React Works

This week in Santa Rosa de Cabal

This week was full of time resting on my day off from class and sleeping in a few more hours on Friday off, and plenty of time with the family with meals together at a local sushi restaurant that was very good with excellent sauces on the various sushi they had that you never felt the need to apply soy sauce and a local restaurant that is well known in this area of Colombia called Don Julio

My girlfriend and I on Saturday did a spa day at Santa Clara. A hotel and restaurant that is very close to where we live, and the scenery was very relaxing there and a very tranquil place to relax and recharge. On Sunday, we went to church, and we had homework early in the week to study more of the history and who was San Francisco and watched a recent documentary (Amén. Francisco responde) Pope Francisco sits with young people to have various common questions and factual issues that young people face when viewing their prescient on the Catholic Church. Moving on to later in the day, we went to a local river in the countryside for a cold swim and later had the uncle of my girlfriend and his family visit us for an additional outing of eating food and going out for wine, coffee, and tea at an elegant restaurant here. 

This week is our practice test for Module 2 and the start of a five-day Module 2 partner project called Project Beta. I'm looking forward d to sharpening my perspective and skill with Git with my project partner and us improve our ability to get our backend up in running by integrating our microservices and successfully running our react server that can submit, update, list, and delete our forms for our web app this week. Looking forward to another week of enlightenment in understating how Docker, Insomnia, Visual Code Studio, Django, and React work. 

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