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Medellín, Colombia Spotlight - Juliana Gaviria Architect for your next job!

Alexander Clemens • July 29, 2022


Medellín and Colombia's next big architect

What is an architect?

Architects will develop designs for new building projects and provide changes and adjustments to previous concepts. They will use their knowledge and skillfulness to design and draw practical, secure, sustainable, and pleasing structures to live in and look at. 

What kind of software do architects use?

Digital design software is essential for an architect to be familiar with and proficient. Clients desire to see virtual models that show more detail. With 3D modeling, you can develop interiors and create your buildings. Architectural software will allow you to adjust lighting effects and consider how external forces will influence the edifice of a building.

The design software helps with automating standard processes. This allows the architect to save time, get designs to clients faster, and enjoy a more efficient way to produce results. 

The software AutoCAD has been around since 1982 and is one of the most popular software for architects because of its simplicity and moving on to being able to transfer files into creating 3D models with ease. Architects can configure preferences and use them to understand the foundations of design layers and line weights, allowing for a more efficient drawing of base models.

What do you need 2D Floor plans for?

A 2D floor plan will assist in adding details to your property, for example, the measurements of rooms and the location of electrical outlets. A 2D floor plan can help clients/buyers envision the building better to evaluate if the place they're looking at will be the right fit. The price of a 2D floor plan is more economical than a 3D floor plan. Included in a 2D floor will consider the building structure, the weight that the walls will bear, the type of walls, the direction walls open up, and the positioning of the doors and windows. All this will help to understand the costs of the construction or renovation of the project. 

What does a good architect do?

Speak effectively with their clients to create structures that meet their requirements. Able to handle budgeting and manage projects

Summarize their ideas into 2D and 3D drawings and documents to convey their message. Capable of translating details into the design like the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing and working around and considering the local building codes and zoning regulations from the authorities. Need an architect that can do this and then more? Well, Juliana can do all this and then more. She can compose construction documents with detailed information on the building's material and structure. Obtain the project's approval with permits and protect the future building's occupant's safety, health, and welfare.

Juliana can do everything listed in this article, and I recommend her for your next architectural job. To get in contact with her, check out her profiles on Fiverr, Upwork,, and Instagram profile

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