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In Louisville, KentuckyπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ, asking Joey Williams, "What do you want to do before you die?".

Alexander Clemens • September 17, 2017


Six Word Story - Wrestling 🀼‍♂️ In Orlando, Florida, at Wrestlemania 

I have gotten to know Joey Williams from being introduced by a mentor of mine, Desmond Garcia. Joey is from Orlando, Florida, and is a massive WWE and football fan. He has had one of my favorite answers so far, sharing his response to my question, "what do you want to do before you die?" with specifics that were fun to listen to. I especially like when he said he knows what he wants. I believe it is essential for anyone to know what they want in life. I sometimes don't always know what I want in life; however, when I spend time around people who have certainty and conviction in doing what they want t do, this energizes me, and I feel more confident in what I am doing in my life. Thank you, Joey, for sharing, and looking forward to hearing your wrestle stage name for walkout in the areas for Wrestlemania. Keep being certain and grinding!

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