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How to feed your brain for optimal energy and focus. Genius Foods by Max Lugavere and Paul Grewal MD 🍏

Alexander Clemens • October 28, 2019


Book Review Genius Foods by Max Lugavere and Paul Grewal MD

SIX WORD 📚 SUMMARY: Fuel With Brain Food And Neuroplasticity

Xander Clemens in Anchorage, Alaska reading the book Genius Foods by  Max Lugavere and Paul Grewal MD

This photo was taken when I was in Anchorage, Alaska. The mural is “Glacier Disappearing into the Sea” by Cheryl Chesnut located off Elmore Rd. Genius Foods by Max Lugavere and Paul Grewal MD is a book from the perspective of a science journalist who dedicated research time to finding effective, scientifically proven ways of enhancing cognitive function throughout life after his mother developed a form of dementia as well as oversight from a Dr. Paul Grewal who specializes in holistic and preventative disease in NYC. Thank you for your time in writing this book. I recommend that anyone always takes at least one actionable step you can implement in your life to become a little bit better every day. With this book, I would recommend identifying one food to eat more of in your regular diet and implementing longer durations without eating food for your body to gain the benefits from fasting and continue to enhance mental focus. 

My favorite quote from the book Genius Foods 

“In a study out of UCLA, rats were given the amount of fructose equivalent to drinking a one-liter bottle of soda every day.22 After six weeks, they began to show specific derangements: they had escalating blood sugar levels, triglycerides, and insulin, and their cognition began to break down. Compared to mice fed only water, the fructose-drinking mice took double the time to find their way out of a maze. But what surprised the researchers most was that close to one thousand genes in the brains of the fructose-fed rats were altered…..they were comparable to human genes, having links to Parkinson’s disease, depression, bipolar disorder, and others. The degree of gene disruption was so profound that head researcher Fernando Gomez-Pinilla commented in the UCLA release: “Food is like a pharmaceutical compound” in terms of its effect on the brain. But that power also swings in the other direction—the negative impact that fructose had on both cognition and gene expression was attenuated by feeding the rats DHA omega-3 fat.”- Max Lugavere

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