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How a blind man traveled the distance of the moon 🌕

Alexander Clemens • December 26, 2019


Book Review A Sense of the World by Jason Roberts

SIX WORD 📚 SUMMARY: Joyfully Awake To The Path Itself

Xander Clemens in Anchorage, Alaska reading A Sense of the World by Jason Roberts

The moon is 238,900 miles away. What if I told you before flight transportation even existed, a blind traveler named James Holman circumnavigated the world and covered the same distance as that of the moon? All while being blind since the age of 25. James Holman was the Original Gangster of world traveling and doing it regardless of his circumstances. I’m still blown away that he only once had a travel companion who was himself deaf! In A Sense of the World by Jason Roberts, historical documentation and telling of James Holman displays the feats of what humans are extraordinarily capable of accomplishing/doing through the unique and vast stressors that can impact how humans choose to live. This has been a great book to read and see the importance of belief and the endurance of the human spirit. I found out the cover of this book is from the 18th-century painting Wanderer Above The Sea Of Fog elicits the traveler spirit by Casper Friedrich. And shout out to Mr. Gugu & Miss Go for the making of this artwork on a sweater.

My favorite James Holman Quotes

“Some difficulties meet, full many. I find them not, nor seek for any.” - James Holman.

“The beauties of the beautiful

Are veiled before the blind,

Not so the graces and the bloom

That blossom in the mind.

The beauties of the finest form

Are sentenced to decay;

Not so the beauties of the mind,

They never fade away .” - James Holman

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