I have been told numerous times on my cruise contract that my blond hair is unique, and I suppose it is in certain parts of the world. In my opinion, my fellow crewmember David van Branden has the best hair on the ship and, in the past, had dreadlocks to accurately represent his personality with his positive and good nature self.
Another embarkation day and the Seabourn Quest is in Copenhagen, Denmark. A city that is charming and well designed with its urban planning. Coopehenagen reminds me a lot of Amsterdam with bikes all around and the friendliness of streets accessible by bike. I do have to mention that just like Iceland, Copenhagen is an expensive city if one were to live there.
I originally went out with a crew member from the spa department and later after spending the morning walking aorund the city. I ended up in a cafe shop where just outside, David was coming up on his skateboard. This was the perfect opportunity to create a handshake with David on the fly and share good laughs. David is originally from South Africa and is the sound technician on the Seabourn Quest. Thank you, David Van Branden, for your time and your positive “Bob Marley” vibes!
You can get in contact with David on his Facebook page or his Instagram page.
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