Grateful to have made it to Apia, Samoa, during my second cruise contract on the Celebrity Solstice. I finished reading the book “ On Confidence” by TheschoolofLife, A short 93-page read highlighting emotional intelligence development by enhancing self-understanding, compassion, and communication. The distinction between triumph and defeat often hinges on the notion that many people are not taught the concept of confidence. Key issues that will prevent us from achieving more of our potential are the impostor syndrome, the knowledge of imagining the great in their mirrors, and what Friedrich Nietzsche shares on strength and bravery. We frequently remain stuck with a specific confidence level because of our beliefs about the need to be lucky. This book will highlight that confidence is a belief in yourself and how you view the world.
“We finally pay others a strange but valid compliment when we accept them as versions of the same complex and imperfect creatures we know ourselves to be.”
“Maturity means going from the myth of a person to a full recognition of their humanity.”
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