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Understand who you are? And the importance the thought of our death can have on our life with Michael Singer

Alexander Clemens • July 21, 2018


Book Review The Untethered Soul The Journey Beyond Yourself

Six Word 📚 Story: The Soul Comes From Having Perspective 

Blessed to make the time to have the habit of intentional reading throughout my cruise ship contract. This book was gifted to me by a client of mine while working at the Center of Recovery and Exercise in Orlando, Florida. I highly enjoyed the chapter on depth and approaching death, knowing it will happen to you and have the perspective on the following points:

  1. The sooner, the better for allowing death into your life to be a teacher 
  2. A person should realize that they might not breathe in again after breathing out
  3. Whenever I am struggling with something, I will remind myself about my death.
  4. Whatever I am doing right now at the moment I need to remind myself that someone was doing that before they died
  5. No matter what I am doing, I can be sure someone died that way.

From this, I have the perspective that death is always on my door and don't think about the moments of pain, suffering, or struggle as these are all feelings and experiences to remind myself that I am alive and that at some point, my understanding of myself in my current body will be no more. And when this happens, I'm looking forward to the next journey or adventure my way after. Until then, I use death on my doorsteps to empower me and the decisions I make and create for others. The photos were taken during my time on the Seabourn Quest while the ship was docked on the Isle of Bute, Scotland. 

My favorite quote from Michael Singer 

"In order to grow, YOU must give up the struggle to remain he same and learn to embrace change at all times. Real Transformation begins when YOU embrace your problems as agents for growth." 

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