Another book completed throughout my travels. This time Cracking the Love Code by Janet O'Neal. Thank you Jodi Gooddaz Fi Dem, for passing this book to me! And shout out to Thomas Back for taking this picture. Relationships will always be a part of our life, from when we are children to the time leading up to our eventual moment of death. I believe our experience throughout life is based on the quality of relationships we have. Of course, we have a relationship with ourselves, a relationship with our friends and family, and a relationship with our partners. As human beings, we are not born automatically knowing what to do or say in a relationship. The more time and effort we can put into studying and learning about the different perspectives in a relationship will significantly help and grow the relationship you have in your life.
Cracking the Love Code by Janet O'Neal is organized into six principles following the C's as created in the practice system to follow by Janet O'neal.
CONCEIVING: Identifying what you want in a partner, understanding your value in a relationship, and setting your goal for the short and long term of your relationship.
CONTENTMENT: The top seven needs of men and women; how to have yours satisfied; how to meet your partner's.
CONNECTING: Turn-ons and turn-offs on dates; spotting "critical flaws" in potential partners; practicing connection skills.
CHEMISTRY: This section is vital as Janet will review how to maintain an enjoyable and satisfying sex life.
CONVICTION: Understanding when and if an individual is ideal for you and what to do if you're uncertain.
COMMITMENT: Fixing commitment anxieties and preparing yourself for when you are ready to commit.
"The Top factor making people successful and allowing them to achieve is not their capability....but their state of mind."
"Everything begins with knowing what YOU want. Before YOU can have anything in life - including a fulfilling relationship - YOU have to know exactly what YOU want. Many people seem to have a pretty clear idea of what they don't want, but starting out on such a negative note will not get YOU where YOU want to go."
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