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In London, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 asking Libby, "What do you want to do before you die?".

Alexander Clemens • June 26, 2017


Six Word Story - Find The Love Of My Life

I had the pleasure of having dinner sitting next to Libby during a friend's birthday party in London, England. Libby answered fast and with conviction upon hearing my question for her, "what do you want to do before you die"?. She wants to find the love of her life and travel the world tasting and enjoying all the fantastic food across the globe! I love hearing her conviction in the tone of her voice. It was funny to have during the video; a group of girls arrived at our table asking a question about a group they were looking for. It was fun that I left the video recording to capture that moment and said on camera that I would edit that out. It just made sense to go ahead and leave all of that in as I'm all about being authentic and genuine, and this is me capturing the moment I had with Libby in those nearly 7 mins talking at the table we were sitting at about what we wanted to do before we die. 

When I ask this question for this project, many people have answers regarding travel, and it was great to have the opportunity with Libby to go more in-depth into what she wants to do with her life and the objectives and goals she has for herself. I especially loved the part of our conversation from listening to Libby describe the plan and map she was following for her life and that she would like randomness to come into her life and interrupt her path. I wish Libby nothing but the best with her life and shout out to her for turning my question from her onto me and asking me on camera what I want to do before I die. I genuinely respect that move! Let's go!

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