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Helpful dance and entrepreneur tips from Jonny Cann of 🔥Life Ignited🔥

Alexander Clemens • August 27, 2022


Six Word Story: Live To Dance A Life Ignited

*****Quick note, anytime I write and create content for someone, I do it because I believe in this person, and I have spent time with them on numerous occasions to learn more about them, their values, and morals. I want to clarify that my goal for this content creation for Jonny is out of my time, effort, and idea to create content for him. Jonny didn't ask or pay me to create content for him in no way. I'm mentioning this because I want my video and write-up for Jonny to serve as an authentic recommendation and review of who he is and all the value he created through his dance and entrepreneurial projects. For anyone who found this article and video because you met Jonny or attended a Life Ignited event, please watch and read. You will see that you are spending time with a positive and progressive person who will help create rewarding experiences in your life. Also, the location we filmed the conversation and Jonny dancing was at the Academia de Baile El Candombe in Medellín, Colombia.*****

Who is Jonny Cann?

Jonny Cann is a professional dancer, instructor, and choreographer. He is also the organizer and creator of Life Ignited, a social club for entrepreneurs. I met Jonny at my friend's house (Andres Ospina) at 4 in the morning as this was when Jonny's flight arrived. Jonny was visiting from Tampa Bay, Florida, here in Medellín, Colombia. I got to know Jonny better by attending a networking event together, going out dancing, hiking, and eating Venezuelan arepas at my favorite Venezuelan restaurant. In my short week of having numerous times sitting down with him to discuss life, projects, business, investing, relationships, dance, and the human experience, I can conclude that he is a genuine person who has a passion for continually growing throughout life and bringing people value in the process. From what I can describe, Jonny brings tremendous value to others through his dance and personal connection with others. I know this will continue to make him successful in his current endeavors and future projects that he creates to add value. 

When you get to know Jonny, he will be traveling around with what appears to be a scarf, but it has multi-functions that can be used as a hat or additional fashion appearance. I believe he first got this in Indonesia, and from what I have come to understand is a token or acts like a symbol of good energy that he likes to travel and carry with him wherever he goes in the world. I can recall him having this with him when we were at the club one night, and he was completely immersed in the music and dancing away. 

Jonny first started dancing when he was in high school and learned to teach himself as well as learn from others. He quickly became talented with lots of hard work and eventually opened his dance school, performing with professional dancers and working with large brands and networks like Nickelodeon. In my time traveling to seven continents working on two cruise ships and, meeting thousands of people, immersing myself in the tango and salsa world here in Colombia, I can say that Johnny is one of the best dancers I have had the opportunity to dance side by side. 

Along with his dancing, Jonny has excellent communication skills. This is evident in how he interacts with others and the everlasting fire of energy he has to share with whatever projects he chooses to invest himself in. Jonny can lead a group of people with his charismatic energy and be a listener. I'm highly hopeful that Jonny will succeed with continually growing the quality of individuals in his current project with Life Ignited and connecting high-performance individuals to create a worldwide organization of entrepreneurs able to learn, help and grow from each other. 

I was very impressed with how effortless he can make his dance moves with moves that remind me of break dancing and, of course, his ability to do back flips. 

What is Life Ignited? 

Over the past several years, Jonny has been working on and creating a top-level event networking meetup called Life Ignited. A meetup for entrepreneurs and individuals who are action takers and at the top of their field for business, investing, health, and mindset. Life Ignited produces experiences that bring people together that choose to live differently. Life Ignited will hold monthly events where you will have the remarkable opportunity only to be surrounded by diverse and highly progressive people. These individuals choose to create, achieve, and add value, along with hearing from a wide array of successful speakers invited to the event to have the platform to share their wisdom and know-how in a particular field to help with your growth, mindset, and lifestyle. 

The following text has been copied from the Life Ignighted website for me to provide and communicate their messaging of what their events are like to be a part of and experience.

"Tangible and unique perspectives around money, real estate, crypto, building relationships with high net-worth people, capital investment raising, steps to leveraging off business credit, branding & marketing, strategic business skills, mental, physical, and emotional intelligence, speaker training, and much more. 

Enjoying this experience with delicious hors d'oeuvres, craft cocktails,

phenomenal live DJs, new contacts, unforgettable speakers,

professional photography + video, and an overall inspiring night!

Adding value to all walks of life attend, from your average Joe to wealthy entrepreneurs, creative artists, and all people interested in continuing designing their best self, however, that may look. No matter what walk of life you pursue, there is a power and unseen value when we surround ourselves in a room with others who choose to live a life of progression and understand the importance of building meaningful connections.

Many people don't, and that's okay, but we choose to live differently, and Life Ignited provides that space.

Open discussions allow attendees to obtain information and receive feedback which serves as guidance in gaining clarity to take ideas, awareness, personal skills, life habits, and businesses to the next level. Access your strengths, connect with others, share your visions, accept accountability and reach your peak potential in a supportive, positive, and impactful environment." - Home Page 

Closing Remarks

I had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Jonny Cann in Medellin, Colombia, and getting to know more about him and his passion and perspective on dance, his entrepreneurial projects, and of course, his view on life and infectious laugh. I'm grateful for this opportunity, and whenever we meet again, there will be plenty of laughing, dancing, and celebrating life. When first meeting Jonny it doesn't take long to learn that this guy knows how to move his body to any music he hears, and it looks magically pleasing. Jonny's passion for dancing came from his upbringing in Connecticut and transferred that ability into the various places he lived. He eventually worked on his craft to have the talent to be dancing and get paid in collaboration with top performers and companies. Jonny has an exquisite mind for producing unique and fun choreography for dancing. In combination with his personality, he delivers a motivating, fun, and rewarding time dancing and training in his dance classes. I believe it would be an excellent opportunity for him to put on a dance class in Medellin, Colombia, and bring his dance style to the city of Eternal Spring. Thank you, Jonny, for impacting my life by showing me how you live your life.

Please get in touch with me if you have comments or want to know more about Jonny, Medellín, or discuss business. 

How to get in contact with Jonny Cann

Facebook Profile

Instagram Profile

Life Ignited Website

Life Ignited Instagram Profile

How to get in contact with Academia de Baile El Candombe

Facebook Page

Instagram Profile


Youtube Profile

WhatsApp:+57 310 8459557

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