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Alexander Clemens • November 11, 2019


Book Review WITH THE OLD BREED by E.B. Sledge


Xander Clemens is in Seward, Alaska reading THE OLD BREED by E.B. Sledge

Suppose you're ever Looking for a defining memoir on an enlisted man in WWII, read WITH THE OLD BREED by E.B. Sledge. Shout out to Susan C. Swiderski and the other contributing artists for the "Mount Marathon" Mural in Seward, Alaska.

Grateful to live in the safest period ever in human existence. An authentic raw take of a WWII veteran soldier, E.B. Sledge, and his experience serving in the battles of Peleliu and Okinawa in the Pacific Islands. A vivid glimpse into war throughout the book. Acting as a bridge to the best documentation of understanding the emotions and thought processes in Mr. Sledge's head during some of the most emotionally strenuous circumstances a human being can experience. On every page, I continually thought of how fortunate I am to have never fought in a war and all the events, emotions, and unpredictable scenarios one would experience. This read instills the mental reps of "could always be worse" into the thoughts of one's mind.

My favorite and valuable quotes from Eugene Sledge

"Lying in a foxhole sweating out an enemy artillery or mortar barrage or waiting to dash across open ground under machine-gun or artillery fire defied any concept of time." 

"The other veteran said, "Listen, mate, everybody gets scared, and anybody says he doesn't is a damn liar." 

"As the sun disappeared below the horizon and its glare no longer reflected off a glassy sea, I thought of how beautiful the sunsets always were in the Pacific. They were even more beautiful than over Mobile Bay. Suddenly a thought hit me like a thunderbolt. Would I live to see the sunset tomorrow?" 

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